Underground Sex


The image of a train pulling into a tunnel. A long-standing symbol for the act of love (see Hitchcock’s final scene in North by Northwest) and for one couple using Berlin’s U-Bahn, a bit of a turn on.

To the surprise of fellow commuters, probably unaccustomed to watching live sex at 6.30 am on a Tuesday morning, they were having it off quite happily on the Schönleinstraße platform. Seemingly intent on making the most of their time together, they were undeterred by the knowledge that this subterranean quickie was being recorded, acknowledging the fact with nothing more than a middle-fingered wave to the cameraman.

The incident is apparently a first for Berlin but the city’s frisky pair are only following in the tracks of a Viennese couple snapped at it on a subway platform in July.

For all we know, right now there’s an underground movement gathering pace.

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