Embarrassing Sexual Misadventures

What The Darwin Awards are to hapless individuals removing themselves from the gene pool, Gina McKinnon’s rude and lewd anthology is to people trying to enter it.

If you’re ever stuck for conversation at an uninteresting dinner party and find yourself in desperate need of a supertanker-sized icebreaker, Embarrassing Sexual Misadventures: 1001 of the Most Tragically Hilarious Sexploits Ever might just be the perfect source material. The book is filled with bite-sized anecdotes of people caught with their pants down (both figuratively and literally) to fill your every cavity with lols.

From the frankly clichéd death by self-asphyxiation to a run-in with a randy dolphin, Gina McKinnon’s chronicle of coital catastrophe ranges from the merely embarrassing to fatally extreme sexual escapades that put a new meaning to the phrase ‘die hard’.

The book also includes ranked sections such as the Top Ten Viagra Fuelled Cock-Ups (the finest Viagra-themed pun I for one have seen for some time) and Top Ten Medical Emergencies (guaranteed to send your toes bursting out of the front of your shoes with cringe), which work well in the age of the Buzzfeed listicle.

The book even has a blank section at the back for the more involved reader to record their own bizarre sexploits as a kind of do-it-yourself feature (insert joke here about doing it yourself and filling in empty spaces at the rear with a pencil).

Whether bought as a novelty or for the cruder end of your toilet reads, this collection will, at the very least, puts your own personal moments of shame into stark perspective.


Embarrassing Sexual Misadventures: 1001 of the Most Tragically Hilarious Sexploits Ever

Gina McKinnon


314 pgs

Available in Hardcover and Paperback.

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