It’s never too late


We can see why the international media is all excited at the news that Andreja Pejic has made a documentary about her sex reassignment. Really, we can. But over at Erotic Towers, there’s another trans woman holding our attention this week.

Unlike supermodel Pejic, Ruth Rose was far from a fledgling adult when she felt able to publicly self-identify as a woman: it wasn’t until she was into her seventies that Ruth stopped living life as a man called James. With sex reassignment surgery being so involved and so expensive a medical procedure, she could quite plausibly have continued to the end of her days living in a male body that didn’t feel fully hers. But proving that life really can start at eighty-something (and that this health service has got your back), Ruth has undergone NHS-funded sex reassignment surgery at the age of 81, making her the oldest person in Britain to have the procedure done.

Here’s to Ms Rose! And here’s to letting your true colours show! Because as a wise Cyndi Lauper once said, ‘your true colours… are beautiful’.

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